Friday, June 4, 2010

Thursday, April 2, 2009 Bloomingdale NJ Police Fail To Take Assassination report Seriously About President Bush

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Bloomingdale NJ Police Fail To Take Assassination report Seriously About President Bush

Once upon a time I went for a voluntary blood test at Chilton Hospital in Pompton Plains, New Jersey.

No one told me I had to get a blood test but I was disputing a drug urine test given to me when I was serving out a 6 month PTI (Pre Trial Sentencing Obligation) I had for a small drug related infraction. As previously stated in all my blogs, I strongly believe drugs ought to be regulated, taxed and legal in the USA.

Anyway as the story goes, I told my PTI officer from Paterson NJ, the reason for which a recent urine test relating to drug offenses came up positive one time was not because I was using cocaine, but because of a combination of certain medications I was legally prescribed and taking at that time.

So I had to go before “dishonorable” Judge Marilyn Clark again for this alleged PTI infraction. I pleaded before Passaic County Criminal Court with my probation officer present, I demanded a different judge because I stated that dishonorable Judge Marilyn Clark had a ‘conflict of interest’ in my case because she had been the original judge denying me visitation rights to my two children so many years prior.

But as usual I was ignored by the Passaic County Court system and Judge Marilyn Clark told me if I cause her any more “problems” by disputing my urine tests (the American news media can obtain the actual court transcripts I am not ashamed), Judge Clark threatened me she would put my in State prison for no less than 5 years if I had one more positive urine test while I was on PTI. I was worried because of the medications I was on and I could not curtail them my doctors said to me. I did not want another positive urine test.

So I told the court since I insist both their saliva and urine tests are faulty in my case, after each one I will go to Chilton Hospital in Pomtpon Plains NJ to get my own blood test to make certain the Passaic county drug tests are not corrupted in any manner against me.

So one time I went into Chilton Hospital inj Pomtpon Plains MJ USA for my monthly blood test and two nurses stabbed my right arm over ten times! I have no idea why (?)

I tried to get up and leave the hospital and one of the Spanish nurses threw me back down in the blood test chair and stabbed my arm repeatedly taking about one quart of blood by the time it was all through! I am still traumatized and shocked by the experience!

I left Chilton that day crying and my psychiatrist at the time, Sweiger in Livingston NJ actually saw my completely black and blue bruised arm and shook his head we both wondered what and why this had happened to me.

I took photos of my arm and presently working on retrieving those photos off my former computer hard drives. They are grusome to be certain! I hope to have those photos soon.

Not shortly after this Chilton Hospital blood test incident, then came the incident at Ramapo Ridge psychiatric hospital when my two psychiatrists both,Dr. Sweiger (Livingston NJ), and, my former doctor, Charlotte Piuck (Oakland NJ), both called to have me immediately released from Ramapo Ridge Hospital, explaining Ramapo Ridge they had no valid legal reason to continue keeping me hospitalized...

But in order to be released, I had to stand before an entire judge and jury in the bottom floor at Ramapo Ridge in and of itself !

To be certain I have never seen a tribunal in any psychiatric hospital setting before located in the bottom floor. The USA is holding secret military tribunals to be certain right under your noses in NJ!

President Obama, will you please get me an equitable monetary settlement yet? I have been waiting for a decade.

I impatiently await you to hold those criminal accountable for abusing me and my family a part beyond repair.

Jill Starr

The entire country ignores me BUT YOUR FAMILY (SONS & DAUGHTERS) MAY BE THE NEXT VICTIMS! Maybe they will not be released (?)

J Starr
One time when the local Bloomingdale NJ police illegally forced me to go to the Chilton psychiatric hospitial when I called them to report I thought there might be an assassination attempt against former US president, GW Bush’s life, when he was still in office the police laughed at me!

I was very worried about the President (Bush) at that time. So I rode al the way to the neighboring town, Pompton Lakes NJ (there is a police report about this on file). I did not have any money, but I went to several stores by Planned Parenthood in Pompton Lakes NJ explaining that I please need to notify some int he US government about this and that I had no money and I asked the local liquor store and gas station if I could use their telephone to make an official report, but instead of taking my claims seriously, the gas station owner refused to allow me to make the telephone call to protect the US President, and then, across the street, the gas station manager called the Pompton lakes police who called Bloomingdale saying that I was crazy and needed to be put in a mental hospital.

After Bloomingdale police Dept that night sent me to CHilton Hospital for making this initial report, Chilton psychitric ward not only forced me to take the very medications I have had allergic reactions to and Chilton themselves had reports of such when I was rushed to their emergency room because of such incidents.

They forced me to take Haldol and other medications they new I was allergic to.. I even had an allergic re-action to Haldol in the hospital several times when at Chilton on numerous occasions but they insisted on taking me off of my Ritilan and Xanax and completely off of my Methodone Pain mediation (even though the US government recognized I have ac hronic pain syndrome).

They offered my no medications and made me go off all three of these medications “cold turkey” and then replaced all of them I had taken legally for over 15 years with medications I was allergic to threatening me if I did not swallow them, they would send me to a state institution!

What is wrong with America Prseident Obam a (?) It is you will not fix these problems by holding those complicit accountable!
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(Local Perspectives)
Posted by lpcyusa at 6:43 AM

RobRVesey said...

December 23, 2009 9:43 AM
七爺芭怡 said...

February 11, 2010 4:11 AM
節奏 said...

Give a fool enough rope and he will hang himself. ........................................
March 23, 2010 1:49 AM
TommyStark0109佩政 said...

April 20, 2010 12:17 AM
1hose韻如ak09r_cruickshan said...

Actions speak louder than words. ........................................
April 27, 2010 2:25 AM
o0625TaylorJ_Duraz said...

來給你加加油~打打氣!!!更新之餘,也要注意休息哦~~ ..................................................
May 2, 2010 7:19 PM
70713ang_eloknuth said...

May 7, 2010 12:02 PM
智能 said...

May 24, 2010 9:21 PM
啟定 said...

Judge not a book by its cover.......................................................
May 31, 2010 11:06 PM

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